Interestingly Nisha is an Indian (Asian, not Native American) playing a cowboy. Not so easily seen in crappy youtube vids. The Name Game was developed as an inside joke between developers, and parodies their attempts to agree on a suitable name for the bullymong. Easily seen with high-res, especially in TPS.However, it is far more difficult, if not impossible, to maintain the name bonerfart because that mission objective is to kill them and upon killing the fifth, the name reverts to "bullymong". With the way the mission is laid out, it is possible to play the entirety of the game with the bullymong's name changed to "primal beast" or "ferovore" by simply not using grenades or shooting their projectiles.While Grendel, Knuckle Dragger, Midge-Mong, King Mong and Donkey Mong don't have their names changed, they do count towards completion of killing bullymongs. The mission can be also completed in Eridium Blight with the 'Bedrock' prefix added to the currently named beasts.Any bullymong killed by other enemy types helps completing the optional objective, even the objective of killing a bullymong with a grenade can be completed if it dies from an axe thrown by Savage Lee.

After killing a primal beast with a grenade, Hammerlock will ECHO again, saying he can't use "primal beast" because his publisher hates the name. The game will change the bullymongs' names to "primal beasts". Hammerlock will ECHO and call them "primal beasts", then requests killing one with a grenade. While in these areas, killing nearby bullymongs also counts toward a bonus objective of killing bullymongs. These can be found marked by waypoints in Three Horns - Divide, and are opened either with the action key or with a melee strike. The first objective is to search bullymong piles.